CSR and Energy
Working in developing and implementing CSR related policies within your company and organisation? Want a better understanding of what CSR is, its contexts and strategic uses? If you want to enhance your career prospects through postgraduate study and give your CV the competitive edge, RGU’s proven track record in postgraduate employment means there is no better place to study.
RGU’s Masters course in CSR and Energy will give you the skills and knowledge needed to help your business develop a socially responsible agenda in challenging times. Modules, which may be studied on a stand alone basis, include:
• Corporate Social Responsibility in the Energy Sector
• Risk, Responsibility and Accountability
• Health in the Energy Sector
• Gender and Energy
• Sustainable Development
• Project Fundamentals
• Public Relations Theory and Practice
• Environmental Impacts of Energy Generation
• Ethical and Effective Leadership
• Security, Conflict, Oil and Gas
• Economic contexts and Impacts
• Community and Cultural Impact
• Urban Environment and Social Regeneration
• People: Environment Studies
• Project Strategy and Leadership
• Critical Approaches to Corporate Communication
The course is available fulltime over a year or via distance learning over three years. There is flexibility within the course to pursue issues relating to CSR that are relevant and appropriate to your interests, experience and future career ambitions.
There are a growing number of opportunities for graduates in CSR designated sections and related areas of the energy sector such as community development, human resources, project management, public relations and strategic planning.
CSR expertise is also being integrated within functions such as accountancy, business
development, corporate communications, engineering, law, operations management
and scientific exploration. The course will prepare you for middle and senior management roles across the world in a range of areas within oil, gas and renewable companies, government departments, regulatory bodies
and NGOs.
In addition, there is scope for graduates to pursue research on behalf of funding or energy related organisations.
RGU has one of the best records for graduate employment in the UK. CSR graduate
employment prospects will be further enhanced through the acquisition of applied transferable skills such as critical analysis, decision making, leadership, management, problem-solving and research methods.
One recent graduate said: “My choice for postgraduate study at Robert Gordon University was driven by the fact that the MSc in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Energy programme has numerous world-class researchers.”
For more information about the course, content and how to apply, contact pgoffice@rgu.ac.uk or telephone 01224 262728. To meet with academic staff and find out more about postgraduate study at RGU, why not come along to our postgraduate Open Evening on August 27th, 6pm – 8pm at our Garthdee campus. To register, visit www.rgu.ac.uk/better
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