The GMB union today urged the UK Government to get on with building the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant in Somerset.
Prime Minister Theresa May halted the £18billion project at the 11th hour and ordered a review late last month, a move that was widely criticised by unions.
The UK Government is thought to be concerned about rising costs and the prospect of giving China a large stake in vital UK infrastructure.
A recent media report said the prime minister is examining the possibility of invoking a get-out clause to derail Hinkley permanently.
But Justin Bowden, GMB national secretary for energy, said the government should stop stalling: “This report is disturbing for those concerned with keeping the lights on as more and more power stations are due to be decommissioned over the next few years.
“The government must get on with building Hinkley Point C as the only carbon free show in town to keep the lights on during the one in six days when there is no wind or sun.”
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