Environmental campaigners fear windfarms are causing the lungs of millions of bats to explode every year.
They are now urging the Scottish Government to do more to investigate the effect caused by the turbines – known as barotrauma.
Blades spinning at up to 200mph cause a change in air pressure, which can damage the lungs of bats flying close to them.
Lhanbryde resident George Herraghty has launched a campaign calling for action to be taken to safeguard the protected mammals and questions have also been lodged at the Scottish Parliament by Highlands and Islands MSP David Stewart.
The bodies of bats and birds have been found seemingly uninjured near the foot of turbines, leading to concerns they were not killed by flying into the blades.
Mr Herraghty, who is a member of the John Muir Trust environmental charity and Moray Mountaineering Club, is a long-term opponent of windfarms and says they have “industrialised” too much of Scotland’s natural beauty.
A Scottish Government spokeswoman said they supported renewable energy while ensuring there was minimal impact on the surrounding environment.
Scottish Renewables has previously stated environmental impacts studies are done to ensure the impact on wildlife is reduced.
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