Councillors yesterday agreed to ratify a decision to reject a windfarm ahead of a public inquiry at the end of the month.
Energy firm RES wants to build 13 turbines on the Culachy Estate near Invergarry.
But the South Planning Applications Committee refused planning permission for the proposed development at a meeting held in December 2015.
The local authority must now submit a response to the Scottish Government’s Planning and Environment Appeals Division, to show how reasons of refusal by the committee will be defended at the inquiry.
The reasons, which have been slightly amended, include an unacceptable adverse impact on the visual experience around the Corrieyairack Pass, as well as its cumulative impact when viewed by users of the Great Glen Way and A87 road.
The developer appealed the committee’s decision on the grounds it was “exceptionally narrow focused.”
The inquiry will take place in Fort Augustus from April 25-28 and from May 1-2.
A reporter appointed by the Scottish Government will determine the appeal.