Nearly 27,000 jobs could be created in offshore wind by 2030 through a sector deal, according tothe Offshore Wind Industry Council
The organisation has released its proposal for a UK government deal supporting the industry.
Its 2030 vision calls for support for the “green industrial revolution,” adding there is potential for offshore wind to meet a third of the UK’s electricity needs.
The proposal set out that a sector deal should include £48billion investment in infrastructure, leading to lower costs for industry and consumers.
It predicts that exports from the industry could increase five-fold to £2.6billion per year.
As part of its industrial strategy, the government is developing specific sector deal plans for industries it seems important for growth.
Offshore Wind Industry Council co-chair Benj Sykes, said : ”As an industry, we have a vision: working closely with the UK Government, we aim to deliver one third of the country’s total electricity needs by 2030, powering not just our homes and businesses but also our electric vehicles and heating.
“With that vision comes a huge economic opportunity to build an industry that will not only support thousands of jobs throughout the UK, often in coastal communities where the need is greatest, but also generate billions of pounds for the UK economy from exports.
“A commitment to regular auctions will give the supply chain visibility of the market and the confidence to invest in the future of the UK.”
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