Energy services giant Wood has announced the completion of its first lidar testing at the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult’s new lidar test and verification facility in Levenmouth, Fife.
The lidar system is also used as a wind turbine control system, which provides remote measurements of wind speed and direction.
ORE Catapult announced that the testing of Wood’s Galion lidar system only took one month to test, despite it being scheduled to take three months.
Chris Hill, ORE Catapult’s operational performance director, said: “The unique position of the Levenmouth Demonstration Turbine and its met mast, being classed as an offshore wind turbine but accessible from the shore, means the wind resource is excellent and typically representative of what developers might experience offshore.
“The combination of highly reliable meteorological data and Catapult lidar test and verification specialists makes our unique facility ideal for developers to test and verify their remote sensor technologies for both onshore and offshore needs.
“Our site represents the only coastal location in the UK that offers lidar verification services, enabling Levenmouth to become a premier location for lidar testing in Europe, and the outstanding success of this first commercial test means we are now fully open for business.”
The new lidar test site was developed with support from the Scottish Government.
The Levenmouth site works alongside the Catapult’s existing offshore floating lidar verification.
Alan Mortimer, Wood’s director of innovation, said: “Wood is delighted to have had the opportunity to access ORE Catapult’s new lidar test facility at the Levenmouth Demonstration Turbine site. The test facility offers a unique, controlled and secure location otherwise not available in Scotland to allow the testing of remote sensing equipment.
“Installing met masts for monitoring environmental conditions at new offshore renewable installations is time-consuming and expensive.
“Lidar presents a more cost-effective option for developers, providing comprehensive and accurate data that meets the needs of investors whilst also supporting design optimisation and cost of energy reduction.”
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