Planners have renewed their objection to a proposed 26-turbine wind farm, which it is feared would blight the north-east’s iconic landscape.
Developer Coriolis Energy wants to build the wind farm at Glendye, near Fettercairn, and has lodged plans with the Scottish Government.
A number of organisations have already voiced their objections to the scheme, including the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa), the Ministry of Defence and hillwalkers.
Now Aberdeenshire Council’s infrastructure services committee looks likely to join them by recommending the plan be rejected next week.
A report which will be discussed by the committee sets out a range of objections to the plans.
Officers consider the scale and size of the turbines are too high for the site, which is earmarked for “domestic” sized structures of 49ft or less.
And the report also claims the developer has underestimated the impact the turbines will have on surrounding hillwalking routes and viewpoints.
It is also alleged that “blanking” agreements have not been reached with National Air Traffic Control (Nats) or the MOD – this is to prevent turbines from cluttering up radar screens, which can create false images or mask the location of aircraft.
And planners also point out the windfarm site is located within two designated special landscape areas and, furthermore, they fear it would have a negative impact on the Cairn O’Mount.
Under the scheme, which was first unveiled in 2016, turbines would be installed on a 3,700 acre site.
Each would have a maximum height of 492ft from ground to blade tip and an electrical capacity of around four mega-watts (MW).
That would generate an anticipated 104 MW across the development, which could have a 30-year lifespan.
Coriolis Energy believes the spot would be ideal for generating environmentally-friendly electricity.
The Save Clachnaben – Stop the Glendye Windfarm group and the John Muir Trust have both spoken out against the plans.
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