The Crown Estate Scotland has outlined plans to offshore wind developers concerning the timeline of its new ScotWind Leasing round.
The plan is specific to the waters around Scotland and accounts for the new draft process for the next batch of giant offshore wind farms.
A new document, launched today, lays out what will be available to developers “pre-launch” and includes a timeline of when leasing will open and close.
The deadline for applications is set for early 2020, with new project sanctions made public around 2021.
Crown Estate Scotland said the final launch is “currently” set for October.
However, the original date was set for April, with the Crown Estate Scotland saying they would make a full announcement on a date before the end of July.
The organisation was then forced to backtrack and announce a “pre-launch” in July with a full launch “likely” by October.
John Robertson, head of energy and infrastructure for Crown Estate Scotland said: “Today marks an important step towards an offshore wind leasing process which will attract investment to Scotland to help reduce climate change emissions and enable wider socio-economic benefits for communities.
“By providing this information now, we will enable developers to start their preparations so that they are in a position to submit suitable applications when the time comes.”