The Holyrood inquiry into the Scottish Government’s renewable energy targets will come to an end on Wednesday with two high-profile witnesses.
UK Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey will be questioned on the potential impact of the UK Energy Bill, while the final witness will be Scottish Energy Minister Fergus Ewing.
Over the past four months, the economy, energy and tourism committee has spoken to 80 people. The most colourful session was the visit of US billionaire Donald Trump on his objections to offshore windfarms. Mr Trump is currently engaged in an increasingly heated battle with the Scottish Government over a proposal for an 11-turbine demonstrator project off the coast of his Menie golf resort.
Committee convener Murdo Fraser said: “Our committee will now reach its final conclusions and publish its report in the autumn.”
During the course of the investigation, the committee heard 25 hours of evidence and received around 400 written submissions. Members have also been around the country.