A power company has submitted a £1.4billion application to build up to 125 wind turbines off the east coast of Scotland.
Mainstream Renewable Power is seeking consent from Marine Scotland to build the windfarm around nine miles off the Fife coast.
It says the facility would be ready by 2016 and could generate 450MW of electricity, enough to power 325,000 homes.
The offshore project, called Neart na Gaoithe (meaning “strength of the wind” in Gaelic), would occupy an area of around 65sq miles. The plans will be open to consultation until September 10.
The development would create hundreds of direct and indirect jobs during its construction and operation, the power company said.
Mainstream Renewable Power has renewable energy sites in seven countries and is developing projects in England and Germany.
Andy Kinsella, the firm’s chief executive of offshore business, said: “This project is of strategic importance to Scotland. Not only will it supply a significant percentage of the country’s electricity demand, it will also help to deliver Scotland’s and the UK’s renewable energy targets in advance of 2020.”
The company said the exact number of turbines at the development would depend on which model is selected and numbers would range between 64 and 125. It would account for 3.7% of Scotland’s total electricity.
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