Proposals for a 43-turbine windfarm in hills above Loch Fyne, Argyll, have been outlined.
Developers said the Lephin windfarm, between Lephinmore and Otter Ferry on the eastern shore of Loch Fyne, could generate an income for communities of £16million over its lifetime, but concerns have been raised about the impact on tourism.
Burcote Wind wants to site the turbines, producing 129MW, enough to power 86,500 homes, on the Cowal peninsula site, across the loch from Lochgilphead.
Meanwhile campaigners fighting a huge £7billion windfarm planned for the sea off Tiree maintain the waters are a vital mating ground for basking sharks, Britain’s biggest fish.
The group, No Tiree Array (NTA), want the seas around the island officially made a marine nature reserve for basking sharks to prevent Scottish Power Renewables building between 180-300 offshore turbines.