An offshore wind energy testing centre off Aberdeen has received another boost with the last statutory consultee withdrawing its objections.
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is now backing the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre (EOWDC) after receiving assurances over the protection of wildlife.
The scheme has been whittled back over time from as many as 33 turbines to 11.
SNH originally put in a “holding” objection until its concerns were addressed.
The organisation’s Tayside and Grampian unit manager, David Bale, said: “After considering the application in detail, we believe the development could go ahead without adverse effects to the marine environment, as long as certain conditions are in place to protect seabirds, dolphins and various whale species.”
Other key organisations – the Ministry of Defence, National Air Traffic Services and RSPB Scotland – have lifted their objections following discussions with the developers, a consortium of Vattenfall, Technip and Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group.
EOWDC project spokes-man Iain Todd said: “This represents yet another significant landmark for the project and we are very encouraged that all statutory consultees have now lifted their objections to the project.”