The UK has successfully positioned itself as a global leader in the net zero journey. This was in part driven by the country hosting COP26 in Glasgow in 2021. But another key factor has been the government’s 10 Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution.
This concise and simple to understand blueprint released late in 2020 has very clearly sketched out the key technologies and focus areas for the UK to expedite the shift to a decarbonised economy.
In 2021, we at Energy Voice teamed up with EY to go through the plan point by point in a series of podcast episodes and articles. These drew on the expertise of a very broad church of external contributors whose insight complimented that of the expert EY partners we engaged with.
Our eclectic and illustrious roster of speakers featured hydrogen company CEOs, offshore wind developers, engineering leaders, electric vehicle experts and former government ministers. Oh yes, and an Olympic gold medal cyclist!
We hope you tuned in for the monthly podcast episodes and accompanying articles throughout the course of last year. But if you didn’t, fear not! You can catch up on all of the essential insight on the 10 Point Plan and what it means for the UK, your business and even your lifestyle by downloading our free white paper.
Click here to get your FREE copy of the report.
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