New windfarm planning software being developed by SeaEnergy and Robert Gordon University could significantly help the UK cement its role as a world leader in offshore wind energy.
The operation and maintenance model for offshore windfarms was announced last week as part of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KPT) between the university and the Scottish energy company.
The project aims to lower the cost of wind energy by helping the industry’s supply chain find cost-effective ways to address operation and maintenance problems.
“The bigger picture is about applying some bright minds from Robert Gordon’s and from SeaEnergy that understand these problems to help the larger offshore wind industry – in fact, the larger offshore energy industry – reduce its costs, improve its safety record and deliver energy at the least cost,” SeaEnergy chief executive John Aldersey-Williams told Energy Voice
“The UK is in a unique position of leadership in delivering offshore wind and this tool, and this thinking, is to capitalise on that and codify it, so that other areas [of the industry] don’t have to make the same mistakes.”
For more news from Robert Gordon University visit http://www.energyvoice.com/rgu/
The project managers expect to release the product within the next three years. They are currently looking for a graduate associate to work as part of the partnership for the duration of the project.
“One of the goals and duties of RGU is to take what is learnt out of this KTP and publish it for the industry,” said Sean Huff, senior lecturer at RGU’s Aberdeen Business School.
“In the end, the industry will only work if everyone drives down costs and innovates,” he added.
Watch our interview with the project authors below:
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