The head of a firm behind plans to generate electricity from landfill waste has warned that green power subsidies in the UK make it difficult to find projects here.
Waste2Tricity have secured substantial interest in their system, which takes landfill waste that cannot be recycled and converts it into synthetic gas to power turbines or engines and produce electricity.
But while international interest in the system is strong, managing director John Hall warned that UK projects are proving harder to support.
“The best market for us is in Thailand,” he said.
“In the UK we’re very keen to get a project, got one in planning at the moment and that’s just coming to the end of its first stage. But the UK isn’t particularly a good environment for investment as there’s not the certainty over what the government’s subsidies are going to deliver over the long term.
“That puts investors off.”
The firm is looking to use alkaline fuel cells, through converting the synthetic gas to hydrogen, to increase the amount of energy produced on projects.
Watch Mr Hall discuss the system below.
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