Pupils from across the north-east got the chance to experience life offshore as part of a corporate education initiative.
Maersk Training hosted an education day at its Kingswells base, the free event included lessons on the day-to-day running of a North Sea platform and some basic first aid techniques. The youngsters were also let-loose on a crane simulator to test their precision skills.
Westhill Primary attended the “valuable” day for the second time, teacher Stephen Flett said:
“We really enjoyed our trip to Maersk Training last year and once again found it to be a highly enjoyable and valuable learning experience. The activities were immersive, including real-world experiences such as operating a crane simulator, managing a drilling station and learning about how to perform first aid.
“It was great to see the students getting a first-hand introduction to what life is like in the oil and gas industry and some of the opportunities available. The students returned keen to find out more and learned a lot in just one half-day session.”
John Abate, managing director of Maersk Training Aberdeen, said: “We were pleased to welcome the pupils for a fun and educational day, when they learned more about the oil and gas industry they have grown up with in and around Aberdeen. They will hopefully now be inspired to go on and choose this sector as a career when they’re a bit older.”
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