CREATING renewable energy from seaweed is just one example of the innovative work that could take place at a new £7.5million science park being built just outside Oban.
The first turf of the European Marine Science Park at Dunstaffnage was cut yesterday.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise is investing £7.5million to create the first phase – which will take advantage of significant opportunities in marine science, including in marine biotechnology and renewable energy. The 20,000sq ft of office and laboratory space will support businesses in Scotland’s growing life science and energy sectors and has the potential to support up to 125 jobs.
The site of the development is already an internationally recognised centre of excellence for marine science, with the Scottish Marine Institute being home to the Scottish Association of Marine Science and the European Centre for Marine Biotechnology. These provide research and education as well as incubation space for new and growing businesses.
HIE Argyll and the Islands area manager Douglas Cowan said: “Sams is currently leading an international project looking at the possibility of developing renewable energy from seaweed. There are a few companies looking at what might be possible.
“We have got world-class science going on here and there are businesses that want to locate here.”
He added: “The science park is a landmark project for Argyll and is of national significance.” It builds on our strong reputation in marine sciences and will lead to more businesses employing more people in high value jobs, creating greater prosperity for north Argyll and the wider area.”
Robertson, the infrastructure, support services and construction group, are now on site to begin work on phase one, which will provide a supportive atmosphere for businesses to continue to grow in a high-specification sustainable building, located in an outstanding marine environment.
Energy, Enterprise and Tourism Minister Fergus Ewing said: “The science park will create a European centre of excellence at Dunstaffnage, which will strengthen the local economy through attracting new jobs and investment to the area.”