STUDENTS from eight schools across the north-east got their teeth into the maths of the oil and gas industry at the first of four TechFest-SetPoint’s Maths in the Pipeline workshops this term.
Through the workshops, S4 pupils get a glimpse into the oil and gas industry and through hands-on exercises find out about the importance of mathematics in the industry.
Industry professionals from SPE Aberdeen present the workshops which cumulate in a business challenge for the students.
Teams of pupils then compete to present the best field development plan to a panel of industry professionals.
Dr Yashka Manning from TechFest-SetPoint said: “We are delighted to have the opportunity to expand to four Maths in the Pipeline events this year, allowing even more pupils throughout the northeast to gain this valuable insight into the role that mathematics play in the oil and gas industry.”
Colin Black, SPE Schools Career Guidance chairman, said: “Pupils attending this event already have a real talent for Maths and our aim is to provide both pupils and teachers in the area with an insight into future careers in the oil Industry.”
The rest for the four events will be held throughout this term and will involve a total of 27 secondary schools.
The first event was sponsored by the Aberdeen section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers and hosted by BP.
Schools taking part include Alford Academy, Banchory Academy, Fraserburgh Academy, Gordon Schools Huntly, Kemnay Academy, Peterhead Academy, Turriff Academy, International School of Aberdeen.
Next month, at the annual SPE ICoTA European Well Intervention Conference, SPE Aberdeen has invited teachers and career advisors to attend an Energising Schools Initiative.
School representatives will have the chance to meet the 35 exhibitors and hear first hand what the challenges and opportunities facing this important sector of the oil and gas industry are.
The initiative led to a number of successful projects from last year – the aim is to continue discussions on how industry and schools can collaborate to support pupils and prepare them for a career in the energy sector.
TechFest-SetPoint’s Maths in the Pipeline has run for six years in Aberdeen, four years in Inverness and two years in both South Lanarkshire and Dundee.