The Highland energy sector will have a skills gap amounting to nearly 900 people over the next five years, trade body Energy North said last night.
A skills survey it carried out with the University of the Highlands and Islands revealed two-thirds of oil and gas and renewables firms in the north were unhappy about the level of training provision in the area. The study also revealed businesses in the industry had a positive economic outlook but were being held back by challenges in recruiting suitably trained staff. It showed companies faced a shortage of 350 management staff, 430 craftspeople and 100 commercial sector workers over the next five years.
Energy North chief executive Ian Couper said: “While other businesses in Scotland are suffering as a result of the economic climate, the energy industry is showing unprecedented growth. This leaves us with the issue of trying to plug the gap in skills.
“The lack of skilled employees is a very important one and there needs to be significant investment to bring these people on board. Energy North is working with public and private bodies, through our Energy and Engineering Skills Forum, to ensure the industry has the manpower it needs to allow projects to be brought online and for the industry to realise its potential.”
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