Interested in wave and tidal energy? Why not get involved in the 2013 Junior Saltire Awards?
It is a hunt for pupils who could be Scotland’s marine renewables experts of the future.
Teams of four from schools are being asked to create a blueprint, design, build and test a wave powered generator which would be suitable for Scottish waters.
Primary five to seven pupils will be asked to design, build and test a simple wave powered generator which should be used to light an LED.
S1 and S3 pupils have been set the challenge of producing a wave powered generator and pupils in S4 to S6 have to design and test a floating wave powered generator and to evaluate performance under different conditions.
Anyone interested in taking part needs to register their team by December 21 and submit a blueprint by February 28 with a working model created by April 30.
School prizes of up to £750 and medals are on offer and shortlisted schools will see their models tested in the Test Tank at the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Strathclyde University on June 13.
For more information go to the Skills Development Scotland website www.sds.co.uk/saltireprize.
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