Supply chain information, setting out how a key North Sea floating wind farm plans to use local content, has been published by Crown Estate Scotland.
In its statement, the Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm set out its ambition to deliver lifetime expenditure of £419 million in the UK.
That is in line with the project’s 40 to 60% lifetime UK content aim.
Projections also show the scheme will support the creation of up to 1,300 full-time employment supply chain roles during construction, and 85 during operation of the project.
Pentland’s Supply Chain Development Statement (SCDS) follows the “five-step” ambition process, which is now mandatory for all ScotWind developers.
And while the projects Is not part of the leasing round, it chose to submit this information to demonstrate “best practice and to reaffirm its commitment to local communities”.
To inform the submission, Pentland carried out a supply chain mapping exercise and local content assessment to understand regional capabilities and the geographical breakdown of project expenditure.
It was supported by locally based consultancy Xodus and the University of the Highlands and Islands.
Project director Richard Copeland said: “These are significant figures for floating wind in Scotland and the UK. They showcase our commitment to the country’s floating offshore wind sector and nurturing the development of local supply chain capabilities ahead of ScotWind project development – a fundamental aim of this project.
“By carrying out this preparatory work, the process has allowed us to understand the existing supply chain capabilities on offer, and the areas in which we can drive local expenditure, job creation and skills development.
“We have also taken steps to ensure early visibility of future opportunities and engage with the supply chain as widely as possible. Over the last few months, we’ve held a series of events to give an overview of the work packages on offer and will continue to organise more of these in 2023.”
Scott Hamilton, head of offshore renewables at Xodus said: “We were able to offer our in-depth knowledge of Scottish capabilities, identifying key areas for strategic supply chain engagement for Pentland with the aim of promoting a sustainable local floating offshore wind supply chain ready for commercial-scale opportunities.
“The project marks an important stepping-stone in progressing the floating offshore wind supply chain in the UK, providing key insights into the strengths and capability gaps of Scottish and wider UK companies.”
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