Sorry students all, but our long running A-Z of Energy competition has drawn to a close.
It has happened sooner than we had anticipated as we haven’t reached the end of the alphabet.
However, with no entries for U is for Uranium”, the decision is a necessary one.
But it’s been fun. No less than 19 iPads have been awarded to schools in Press and Journal Country thanks to the generosity of Shell, which is also the long-running sponsor of the Young Energy page.
There have been lots of fun answers to many of the questions and even some pictures, and prizes have gone to both primary and secondary schools, proving that you don’t have to be a 15 or 16 year old with encyclopaedic knowledge to win.
But even though this competition is at an end, don’t forget that Shell has a terrific learning resource for you to tap into, as do many other companies in the energy industry.
Shell’s Inside Energy app is stuffed with masses of good stuff through videos, animations and photo galleries.
Anyway, since none of you had a go at telling the world about uranium, this is the editor of Energy’s attempt, not that it is any good and he certainly doesn’t deserve an iPad.
Attums ar teensy weensy canne see bits that make up every object in the uni verse (Wotz that?).
Nooclear ennugy is ennigy in the nooclus (core) of a attum. There is big ennugy in the string that hold the middil together.
This kind of ennogee iz used in nooclear raptors wich are filled up wiv URANIUM (I kopied that). Wowee zowee, duz that mean they go like a nattum bomb!!!
During nooclea fizzin, a wee bit called a nootron hits the URANIUM attum and splitz it (ouch, must be sore), letting out a heap ov ennigee in one go as heat and radiators.
More nootrunz are also bounced out and go on to bomb other URANIUM attumz, ova and ova aggen. It is called a chain gang.