John Pearson is group president for Europe of AMEC
What made you get into a career in oil and gas?
Originally I just knew I wanted to be an engineer. I liked cars but, other than that, I had no idea which industry I wanted to work in. Then, while at university, I got a summer job for an oil and gas service company. I really liked the good people, that they engineered real things, and they even made money doing it, in great places all over the world.
What advice do you have for youngsters?
You must do something you enjoy, so you need to figure out what that is. I don’t mean what specific job, but what sort of things you enjoy. That might be working with people, being creative, doing detailed work, being outside.You need to get as much advice as possible, so make sure you ask. Most people don’t ask, and it really is amazing what you can find out if you ask. Try to get even a day in a company to find out more. If you are interested in engineering, then the energy industry is a great one to be in as, especially early in your career, the skills are transferable across the whole range of energy sectors, like renewable, nuclear, oil and gas.
If you didn’t work in this sector, what would be your dream job?
It sounds corny but I’ve been really lucky as I’ve got my dream job already. However, if I wasn’t doing this I’d be a ski guide.
What would be your dream car to drive?
Again, I’ve already got my dream cars, including an ancient old Land Rover for the weekends. But if I was a ski guide in the Alps, it would be fun to test-drive a Renault Alpine A110, a fantastic rally car from the 1970s which I’m sure no one reading this will remember.
If you were king for a day what would you do?
What’s the scariest thing you have ever done?
Not something I’d recommend, but it was climbing Well Gulley at Lochnagar in a whiteout with a group of friends, and having to call out the mountain rescue service. We were out on the mountain for 20 hours.
Why is energy such an exciting sector to get in to?
For me, it’s a sector in which you get lots of exciting opportunities to work in cool places around the world, on real jobs, and be proud of what you do. The companies are good companies, full of good people who are great to work with.
Tell us a random, unexpected fact about you.
I have a Blue Peter badge, which I got when I was about 10 for writing a limerick. Sadly, I can’t remember the limerick, but if anyone sends us a really good one about working in the energy industry they can come and visit Amec for a day to find out what we do.
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