Set in a prime location next to Aberdeen International Airport and the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route (AWPR), ABZ is the north-east’s best connected business park.
Be it at your local pub, round at your mate’s or at Murrayfield itself, Scots up and down the country were celebrating the Six Nations rugby win over England on Saturday.
“You would like to think it was good planning,” joked Neil Gordon, chief executive of the Global Underwater Hub (GUH), “but I think it’s just fortunate that, at the moment, it looks as if everything has landed well for us.”
Positivity, partnership and people are the three main elements of a successful logistics business as it enters a new diverse energy market – that is according to Sarah Moore, the new CEO of Peterson Energy Logistics.
Energy giant BP has won approval to become a joint venture partner of Aberdeen City Council (ACC) to build Scotland’s first “scalable” green hydrogen production plant.
I’m a little bemused. Inevitably the ScotWind lease awards were going to trigger all sorts of claims about how the Scottish offshore wind supply chain will gain from this huge project, but nobody seems prepared to explain exactly how this will happen given that we don’t actually have a supply chain of any note particularly when it comes to the high value hardware.
ETZ Ltd, the not-for-profit brainchild of Sir Ian Wood, has launched a £100,000 grant to help firms in north-east Scotland prepare for the energy transition.
ScotWind will unlock a raft of “fantastic opportunities” for the north-east of Scotland the head of a local energy transition organisation has predicted.
It has been more than 20 years in the making, but at last Aberdeen has got its big chance to prove that it really can become a major player in offshore renewables and especially wind.
Decommissioning is a problem every country will face as the world moves towards net zero and the Centre for Decommissioning Australia (CODA) is looking to take notes from Aberdeen.
With the results of the first ScotWind offshore licensing round now imminent, it is perhaps worth having a wee cogitate about what the sustainable benefits or otherwise could accrue to Scotland.
Building an additional 10GW of offshore wind capacity by 2030 is an important piece of the jigsaw puzzle that makes up Scotland’s plans to try to reach Net Zero. ScotWind will be ground-breaking both in terms of size and opportunity.
BP's “long-term” commitment to Scotland is a key selling point for the company and its partner EnBW in winning ScotWind acreage, according to the bid’s top boss.