By Anette Roll Richardsen, Director of DNV’s Cyber Security business in Norway
The energy industry has intensified its focus on cyber security in recent years in response to rising geopolitical tensions and infrastructure and assets becoming more digitally connected.
ABSG Consulting Inc. (ABS Consulting), a leading global operational risk management company, has launched an integrated new cybersecurity service designed to help organizations monitor, manage and reduce the growing threat of Operational Technology (OT) cyber attacks.
Two cyber campaigns have been identified that have been highly focused on particular parts of the oil and gas industry, using the same spyware Trojan, by security company Bitdefender.
The oil and gas industry has been battered by a perfect hurricane of the three Cs: coronavirus, climate concern and a collapse in crude prices. But a fourth big C, a perennial threat to the health of the sector, lurks in the background and could cause even greater damage than usual in today’s fraught operating environment.
Across the energy industries, it’s now commonly recognized that if you have critical infrastructure, you are not only at risk, but will likely experience a cyber incident at some point. So, what can you do to mitigate this risk, and what cyber security myths still exist in the industrial digital journey?
While many countries are already taking decisive steps to try and reduce their carbon footprint, the global cost of inaction on climate change is estimated to reach US $23 trillion a year by 2020. But what more can the energy industry be doing to help bring about change?
Ahead of Oil & Gas UK's Cyber Security Conference, speaker Ross McKenzie, partner in international law firm, Addleshaw Goddard's data protection team, shares some insights into what practical measures should be considered for data protection compliance in the oil and gas sector
Oil companies put cybersecurity initiatives on hold while crude prices languished at multi-year lows in 2015 and 2016, falling behind in hardening their systems while state-sponsored hacking groups only got more proficient at probing U.S. energy networks, security experts say.
Cyber-security firm, Huntsman Security, has warned that cyber-attacks on power plants and transport infrastructure will likely increase over the next two years.
The rise of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and the convergence of operational technology and information technology is leading to more efficient oil and gas production operations.
Oil and gas companies have been urged prepare for the worst and never thing terrorism attacks will not happen to them, by the man who investigated the Glasgow airport bombing attempt.
The oil and gas industry could save itself millions of pounds by migrating IT services to the cloud - and the TalkTalk factor may have helped focus the minds of senior executives about just how safe their own systems are from cyber attack.