Aberdeen and Grangemouth energy workers to take part in cross-sector training pilot scheme
A total of 24 technicians across the oil and gas and wind sectors will take part in a cross-sector training programme to bridge skills gaps.
A total of 24 technicians across the oil and gas and wind sectors will take part in a cross-sector training programme to bridge skills gaps.
An energy skills passport to help workers transition their training and accreditations from oil and gas jobs to similar roles in the renewables sector has launched and will be expanded across the UK.
The Autumn Budget is a chance for the government to make a bold statement on the energy transition.
UK energy secretary Ed Miliband is set to visit Aberdeen on Thursday, promoting billions of potential funding and policy measures to support Scotland's energy sector.
The UK can position itself as a global leader in energy safety and competence with a renewed focus on skills and training, according to industry body OPITO.
A Labour government would create an offshore skills passport to allow workers to move between fossil fuels and renewables.
The North Sea's skilled oil and gas specialists must be retained to power the transition to clean energy, according to a report released by Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) today.
Union bosses call on Global Wind Organisation (GWO) to change tack, lest government is asked to intervene.
The study states that the promised boom in offshore wind and renewables cannot be modelled “in the broken image of the oil industry.”
An energy skills passport – that will allow workers to move between oil and gas and renewables – is expected to be fully functional early next year.
3t Energy Group has been chosen to help deliver a digital solution that will enable workers to move between sectors more easily.