Oil industry welcomes new UK government ahead of sector deal and IR35 changes
The oil and gas industry has welcomed the new UK government as it looks ahead to a “transformational” sector deal and braces for tax changes for thousands of contractors.
The oil and gas industry has welcomed the new UK government as it looks ahead to a “transformational” sector deal and braces for tax changes for thousands of contractors.
North Sea oil and gas leaders are set to produce new industry research outlining how the sector is "reinventing" itself for the energy transition.
Saudi Arabia is pushing ahead with the much-watched IPO of the mainstay of its economy, Aramco, although with somewhat diminished aspirations.
I’m hopping mad at Labour’s £11billion windfall tax on the oil and gas industry proposal in its manifesto.
Oil and Gas UK has launched a new educational campaign testing the knowledge of the nation about the offshore energy sector.
The UK North Sea has the tools to be a front-runner in the energy transition, a new report said.
I recently presented at a UK Oil and Gas Law Seminar where the keynote speaker was Mike Tholen (Upstream Policy Director Oil & Gas UK).
The transition to a lower-carbon energy sector will be the key topic of the flagship conference for the Southern North Sea next year.
The leading trade body for the North Sea energy sector put the benefits of digital technology under the spotlight yesterday.
The next generation of the UK’s oil and gas industry is being called upon to make their voices heard on key issues including the energy transition and climate change.
The oil and gas industry currently finds itself in a situation which is far from comfortable.
While the shift from hydrocarbons to renewables is far from smooth, investment opportunities in the generation, service and utility markets are proliferating as the sector landscape evolves.
BP’s outgoing CEO Bob Dudley gave a defence of natural gas as one part of the world’s future energy mix, at a conference in London.
North-east oil and gas doyen Sir Ian Wood says Aberdeen could be the energy capital of the world – but only if political leaders show more commitment to making it happen.
Three-quarters of oil and gas executives believe the sector’s supply chain has the right skills and expertise to support the energy transition, according to a poll.
A company in the US called ZeroAvia has just installed a hydrogen fuel cell powered electric powertrain in a six-seater aircraft.
More than 38,000 people visited Offshore Europe last week, an increase of 3,000 on the 2017 event.
Aker Solutions' boss of low carbon energy warned yesterday that the sector would be "digging its own grave" if it didn't share knowledge and best practice in the energy transition.
Nicola Sturgeon has vowed to create the world’s first pollution-free airways above the Highlands and islands as part of a package of new measures to tackle climate change.
Energy services firm Wood is a very different animal now compared to when Offshore Europe last came around to Aberdeen two years ago.
The oil and gas industry has been warned by French energy giant Total that it must adapt or go the way of the dinosaurs
Aberdeen’s destiny as a global energy capital of the 21st Century is very much in its own hands. But to fulfil this destiny it must heed the lessons of history.
OGUK’s Economic Report 2019, which launches this week at Offshore Europe, will reinforce the importance of the UK’s oil and gas industry, a sector that is critical in meeting today’s energy needs and one that will be a key contributor to tomorrow’s energy mix.
The energy transition discussion is the dominant topic for the sector. It’s a multi-layered debate that encompasses macro and micro issues and will have an increasing impact upon our lives and our businesses in the UK.
Growing pressure around climate change for the global energy industry, including the UK North Sea, was brought into focus at an industry event last night.