Unions, campaigners seek greater nationalisation of green energy schemes
Trade unions and environmental campaigners have joined forces to call for increased nationalisation of climate change and green energy projects.
Trade unions and environmental campaigners have joined forces to call for increased nationalisation of climate change and green energy projects.
The green energy sector supports more than 43,500 jobs across Scotland, a study has found.
Green energy tycoon Dale Vince has called for time limits on divorce cash claims after agreeing to pay his ex-wife £300,000 in a financial settlement.
Green-energy company Cella and the Argyll-based Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) have together achieved what is thought to be the world’s first hydrogen-fuelled flight.
A Government “assault” on Britain’s clean energy industries must come to an end because it is putting thousands of jobs at risk, the shadow energy secretary has warned.
The Government risks sending a “worrying signal” to businesses by rolling back on policies to support clean technology, business leaders have warned.
The North Sea is the focal point of a new EU-backed conference on the future of energy in Europe.
The world's first investment bank dedicated to green energy will be officially launched in Scotland today.
Alex Salmond has been accused of misleading MSPs over the number of jobs created in Scotland's renewable energy industry.
A north politician has backed campaigners trying to stop a windfarm being built on the slopes of Ben Wyvis, claiming it could prove disastrous for both the area and the case for green energy.
Alex Salmond has defended onshore windfarms, saying they do not spoil the countryside and actually make Scotland more attractive.
Projects in Scotland's "marine energy park" are being threatened by high electricity transmission charges, according to an industry body.
The UK's energy distributor has warned there is "no guarantee" renewable power generated in an independent Scotland would be bought by England and Wales.
INVESTORS in Scottish green energy can have more confidence in the future of the sector, thanks to a new group set up to accelerate the planning process for new projects, according to leading firms in the industry.
BILLIONAIRE Donald Trump must not have a veto on Aberdeen's economic development, a Labour politician said last night.
We are told that the still new Cameron-Clegg coalition is about to have a quangos bonfire, or at least a few select ones are said to be for the chop - green ones, to be precise. But maybe they won't burn so easily - bit like green willow, really.
AN AGREEMENT signed yesterday between Scotland and India aims to boost green energy in both countries.
It's bizarre, isn't it, that the biggest story that came out of Offshore Europe was that visitors who parked on the grass verge on the approach roads were all handed parking tickets? In reality, though, the biggest story from Offshore Europe was that not much happened.