Iraq said the OPEC+ oil cartel is unlikely to change its production policy at next month’s meeting and repeated promises to deliver overdue output cuts, even as the Arab nation’s economy reels.
Transport Secretary Michael Matheson has said oil and gas workers travelling back into Scotland could be granted exemption from enforced quarantine measures.
Upstream merger and acquisitions (M&A) deals are expected to rebound in Asia Pacific this year after plunging to their lowest level this century in 2020, when the pandemic and collapse in oil and gas prices killed activity.
Sulmara Subsea, an up-and-comer to the offshore surveying sector, is planning a major recruitment drive in 2021, while taking steps to offset its carbon emissions.
“Serious concerns” have been raised after inspectors found multiple “cracks” in the hull of the Foinaven FPSO west of Shetland, amid a catalogue of other safety issues.
Shell snapped up the largest amount of North Sea oil in over a decade during the market’s main trading window for physical cargoes, underpinning signs of sharply tightening supplies.
CNR International is planning a mass decommissioning campaign for nearly half of its North Sea wells by 2025, and is seeking contractors to partner on the scheme.
West of Shetland operators are working with “serious intent” to get huge new oil projects “to a net zero outcome”, according to the head of a major clean energy scheme on the islands.
Plexus CEO Ben van Bilderbeek is weighing fundraising options to “extend the runway” for the business, which has been faced with years of losses but may now be on the verge of success.
An obscure company that employs five people and appears to produce negligible amounts of oil and natural gas from some wells in Appalachia slumped Friday, one day after soaring almost 1,000% in the latest Reddit-fueled day-trading craze.
Exxon Mobil Corp. kept the S&P 500 Index’s third-largest dividend after this year’s rally in commodity prices eased analysts’ fears that the payout was becoming unaffordable.
Delek is considering a debt-for-equity swap and dual listing for North Sea operator Ithaca Energy in order to cut the parent firm's £1billion debt pile.