By Paul Dight, partner, energy and utilities UK, Addleshaw Goddard
Boris Johnson's Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution sets out how the UK looks to "build back better" from the impact of coronavirus by creating green jobs and accelerating the transition to net zero emissions by 2050.
Achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 is an ambitious and deliverable goal, but on current trajectory it is unlikely to be realised without rapid acceleration of key energy transition projects.
Reused and repurposed products and materials are concepts associated with a circular economy, and a circular economy is associated with the green recovery of our nation following the challenging events of this year. If we, as a nation and as an industry, are to meet our carbon emission reduction targets in the coming years, then we must act now.
As more fields wrap up production platforms, many of which have been operational far beyond their expected lifespans, the team at DYNAMIX One is finding that the decommissioning industry is in desperate need of cost-effective solutions to return the surrounding area to its natural state.
Times are tough. We are now more than eight months into the Covid-19 pandemic and most people I speak to have had enough. It is hugely sad that people have lost their lives and it’s terrible on a personal level that birthdays, weddings, deaths and funerals have been missed and lost forever.
By Chris Lloyd, head of waste and decommissioning, Asco
As I reach my first anniversary in the role of Head of Waste and Decommissioning with ASCO, it seems like a good time to take stock of our decommissioning capabilities, reflecting on what has been and what is to come. There’s quite a bit to reflect on, as ASCO has been active in decommissioning for over 10 years, having been involved in over 50 separate projects – but have we really promoted that fact enough? Possibly not yet…
It’s not long before we host our first ever digital decommissioning conference on November 24-25 and with the aim of creating a dynamic, international and interactive online experience, it’ll be like no other event we’ve ever hosted before.
It’s fair to say 2020 has been an unprecedented year. Imagine how unlikely it would have seemed this time last year if someone had said wearing masks in a shop would now be essential, handshakes a distant memory and that we would need to brave the October chill outside the Chester Hotel and Dutch Mill to enjoy a drink?
By Corin Taylor, principal consultant, Energy Transition team, DNV GL – Oil & Gas and chair of the Decarbonised Gas Alliance
Hydrogen will play a key role in our transition to clean energy over the coming decades as it takes a priority position in the oil and gas industry’s decarbonisation efforts. In 2020, we have seen slower industry activity and a reduced oil price, but net-zero carbon targets and broad societal support for them remain.
By Jean Morrison, chair, Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group
The recent announcement by the Prime Minister Boris Johnson on his plans to drive renewable growth and make the country a world leader in offshore wind may be a turning point for the UK in seizing the opportunity to lead a low-carbon transition.
Hoover Ferguson stepped up decommissioning activity this year, securing a contract with leading Celtic-basin operator, PSE Kinsale Energy (KEL), for the supply of temporary accommodation units on the Kinsale Bravo platform. The Bravo platform originally operated as a manned facility, but was converted to an NUI in 2001 and the redundant platform accommodation was not suitable for remanning.
A series of significant milestones - shaping the next generation of deep-water infrastructure developments at Lerwick Harbour - are expanding capability and competitiveness for the offshore decommissioning and renewables industries.
Aberdeen-based GDi is pioneering a number of technologies with a focus on driving efficiencies through big data, machine learning and enhanced visualisation.
By Jack Davidson, managing director, James Fisher Offshore
The universal "pause" brought on by Covid-19 has been overridden by the realisation that this pandemic and its repercussions are challenges we have to deal with and adapt to if we are to survive and thrive.
The Covid-19 pandemic has been one of the most impactful influences on the global workplace in recent years. Not since the advent of PCs and the introduction of the internet and email have organisations from every sector felt such a dramatic change in the way they work.
The Covid-19 pandemic is challenging individuals on many levels. The virus and its consequences are taking their toll on mental and physical wellbeing, as well as causing anxieties about the health of loved ones, job security, and the future of businesses. Additionally, individuals often face uncertainty regarding where to turn for Covid-19 testing, and how to access healthcare services during the pandemic. At ROC we are here to make accessing both routine medical care and Covid-19 testing as straightforward and comfortable as possible.
Drillmar Resources, in partnership with training and competency experts Polaris Learning, has developed a new bespoke competency management system for its workforce.
Established upon the vast experience and expertise of chief executive Ivan Gutierrez, Oil and Gas Corrosion has been providing a wide variety of energy operators across the globe with advice in oil and gas for more than six years.
The infamous heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson once said, “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”. Perhaps the same could apply to the national net-zero plan - a strategy that appears lost in what most will agree are the more sudden and painful issues of Brexit and the Covid pandemic?
By Will Rowley, interim managing director, Decom North Sea
In common with some other industry events, we took the decision to keep Decom Offshore in the calendar. Despite the difficulties wrought by the global pandemic, decommissioning has been in the headlines a number of times over the past six months. Decommissioning of offshore assets is inevitable and seismic market shifts as we’ve all recently encountered serve as a catalyst for further conversation around the timing and approach.