Proposals which could see a significant reduction in available subsidies for small scale renewable projects could render a number of community-owned schemes in the Scottish Highlands as “unviable”, it has been claimed.
The warning has been made by independent environmental consultants Atmos Consulting as a UK Government consultation on proposed changes to the system of feed-in tariffs closes today.
The UK Government is currently proposing to reduce the level of subsidy available for small scale renewable energy projects from next year.
Community-owned renewable energy projects in Scotland could become a thing of the past if proposals to slash subsidies are acted on, an environmental consultant has yesterday.
Atmos Consulting sounded the alarm bells ahead of the final day of a UK Government consultation on changes to funding models for small-scale schemes.
The government’s support for such ventures has blown hot and cold since 2010.
Orkney's European Marine Energy Centre (Emec) and the University of Edinburgh have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with organisations based in Qingdao to support the development of a marine energy test site in China.
Millions of pounds of investment in energy projects benefiting communities across the UK is at risk from the Government’s cuts to renewables subsidies, a report warns.
Offshore personnel transfer company Reflex Marine is developing a new personnel access concept for the offshore wind and traditional energy industries..
Cuts in Government support for renewable energy send a “perverse signal” to other countries about the UK’s attitude on the issue, the head of the UN environment programme has said.
As other countries embrace renewable energy Britain looks to be going the other way, Professor Jacqueline McGlade said.
Recent moves by the Government to cut support for clean onshore wind and solar power send out the wrong message, she said, ahead of the UN climate change conference which begins in Paris at the end of next month.
Solar power became Australia’s largest source of renewable energy in 2014, with a cumulative installed capacity of 4 gigawatts (GW), overtaking wind power.
Marine renewable energy experts and senior government staff from Indonesia have visited Orkney to see what lessons they can learn from the industry in Scotland.
At time of writing, 5% of the UK’s electricity consumption is coming from wind. Another few per cent is powered by other renewables, mainly long-established hydro; 39% from gas, 21 from nuclear and 22 from coal.
Europe’s largest producer of renewable energy is pressing ahead with the development of an onshore wind project in Scotland.
Statkraft is working on the Andershaw windfarm in South Lanarkshire following the successful construction of the 36MW Berry Burn windfarm.
Construction of Andershaw is expected to begin later this month starting with work to construct the roads, turbines bases and substation.
Germany pledged an investment of over 1billion euros ($1.1billion) in Indian solar power projects as Asia’s third-largest economy looks to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.
Renewable energy sources can “stand on their own two feet” and must become cheaper than fossil fuels before widely replacing them, Energy Secretary Amber Rudd has said.
Renewable energy will be the largest source of new power generation capacity worldwide over the next five years, installing 700 gigawatts, which is more than double what utilities produce today in Japan, the International Energy Agency said.
Over 100 jobs could be at risk in Aberdeen due to proposed cuts to the feed-in tariff for solar energy projects, a trade body has warned.
The Solar Trade Association warned the jobs of up to 27,000 people employed in the solar energy sector and its supply chain are under threat around the UK, with as many as 2,400 of the 3,000 solar jobs in Scotland at risk.
The Department of Energy and Climate Change (Decc) proposed at the end of August to cut the tariff paid for electricity generated by solar rooftop panels by 87% - from 12.4p to 1.6p.
The Scottish Government has confirmed solar PV projects below 5 Megawatts will continue to receive support following the UK Government’s decision to close the Renewables Obligation.
Data shows Japan’s cumulative installed capacity will rise from 317.5 Gigawatts (GW) last year to an estimated 389.8 GW by 2025.
The jump represents a moderate compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.9%, according to research and consulting firm GlobalData.
The company said while thermal sources are likely to contribute to the majority of installed capacity other renewable sources, including hydropower, will more than double by the end of the forecasted period.
Renewable project developer Camco Clean Energy said its focus away from its legacy carbon business was bearing fruit with its energy storage venture helping it perform above expectation.