UK ‘too reliant’ on gas says renewables boss as energy crisis continues
A renewables chief has blamed the current energy crisis on the UK’s reliance on gas, arguing its left consumers “exposed” to market fluctuations.
A renewables chief has blamed the current energy crisis on the UK’s reliance on gas, arguing its left consumers “exposed” to market fluctuations.
The total pipeline of offshore wind projects around the world currently stands at more than 400 gigawatts (GW), according to new research.
The UK’s new energy minister has described offshore wind as the “lynchpin” in bringing emissions down to net zero.
A renewables leader has called on the UK to ‘raise the ambition’ for floating wind during the opening of an industry event in Aberdeen.
The UK Government has pledged to support the advancement of both green and blue hydrogen as part of plans to create a “thriving” low carbon sector.
RenewableUK has announced the results its latest annual board election, including two new members and one who has been re-elected.
A new group has been launched in order to unlock co-location opportunities for offshore wind and carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS).
There are concerns that changes to the UK Government’s Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme could hamper future offshore wind investment decisions.
A leading trade body is calling on governments across the UK to commit to specific renewables deployment targets ahead of a landmark climate conference later this year.
The number of jobs in the UK offshore wind industry will swell by more than 43,000 within the next five years, according to a new report.
Offshore wind is fast becoming the hottest industry to be if you’re an aspiring low carbon energy apprentice looking for adventure.
Developers of batteries in the UK have projects on the go that would increase the country’s capacity more than 14 times what it is today.
RenewableUK has announced current Siemens Engines CEO Dan McGrail as its new chief executive, effective from May.
The head of Equinor’s UK renewable operations has announced he is leaving the company after more than a decade.
The UK Government’s decision to green light plans for a major offshore wind farm has sparked concerns about the potential impact on sea birds.
The credit export wing of the UK Government could support tens of thousands of jobs in the coming years if it switches its focus from oil and gas to renewables, according to a new study.
The UK Government is being urged to set cost reduction targets for renewable hydrogen in order to provide cheap energy for consumers.
Green energy produced by UK and Dutch North Sea wind farms could soon be fed into both countries domestic systems as part of efforts to hit net zero carbon goals.
A trio of trade bodies have announced a new partnership to help promote and drive the transition to a net zero economy.
A renewable energy trade body is launching a new online event aimed at getting youngsters interested in offshore wind.
A clean energy trade body has urged the UK Government to “lift capacity caps” to entice £20 billion of investment and create 12,000 renewables jobs.
The UK’s highly-skilled oil and gas workforce must be ‘retrained and redeployed’ to work in low carbon industries, according to advisors.
The UK Government has delayed the go-ahead for two giant offshore wind farms due to be built in the Southern North Sea.
The UK public continue to support the growth of renewable energy, a new poll has shown.
The UK Government timetable for its offshore wind power auction will not be delayed by the coronavirus pandemic.