Delay in rigs to reefs report a big let-down
As it is Decom Week, I was prompted to re-visit whether OPRED had delivered on their commitment to provide a report on the applicability of rigs-to-reefs in UK waters.
As it is Decom Week, I was prompted to re-visit whether OPRED had delivered on their commitment to provide a report on the applicability of rigs-to-reefs in UK waters.
A recent report published by the Ecological Society of America – Forecasting the legacy of offshore oil and gas platforms on fish community structure andproductivity caught my eye. The report presented a model for forecasting fish communities surrounding offshore southern California installations following a series of decommissioning alternatives.
As someone who has been canvassing for a UK rigs to reefs initiative for many years, I was pleased to see the topic raised on a number of occasions at the recent Aberdeen, Offshore Europe conference.
As someone who provided written evidence to the House of Commons Scottish Affairs Committee, The future of the oil and gas industry, I attended the launch of the final report at an Oil and Gas Technology Centre session on Monday, February 4th.
Fascinating video footage of the launch of an artificial reef off the coast of Australia has been published.
A UK decommissioning chief has said the rigs-to-reefs concept is a non-starter in British waters.