Scotland EU negotiator warns of fuel shortage in no deal Brexit
The minister for UK negotiations on Scotland’s place in Europe, Michael Russell, has warned of potential fuel shortages post-Brexit if politicians fail to reach a deal.
The minister for UK negotiations on Scotland’s place in Europe, Michael Russell, has warned of potential fuel shortages post-Brexit if politicians fail to reach a deal.
The Scottish Government has announced today that it plans to expand a scheme designed to help homeowners carry out energy efficiency improvements on their property.
The Scottish Government’s draft climate change bill has been branded “hugely disappointing” by campaigners.
A cross-party consensus has been reached by the Scottish Conservatives to bring Scotland’s energy efficiency target forward by 10 years.
Petrochemical giant Ineos has accused the Scottish Government of taking an "Alice-in-Wonderland" approach to fracking at the conclusion of a legal challenge at Scotland's highest civil court.
Funding of £3.5 million has been announced to help social housing landlords make their properties more energy efficient.
While outlining the Scottish Government planned £54.5 million fund to tackle fuel poverty, first minister Nicola Sturgeon said today that Scotland needs to "capture the economic benefits" that renewable energy offers.
The Scottish Government has invested £1.9million in the Oil and Gas Technology Centre's (OGTC) new decommissioning hub in Aberdeenshire.
MPs have launched an inquiry into the future of the oil and gas industry in Scotland.
The Scottish Government has been accused of “actively disowning” the North Sea oil industry after it emerged ministers have no plans to publish further oil and gas bulletins.
The Scottish Government was accused of “actively disowning” the North Sea industry last night after it emerged its oil and gas analytical bulletin had been officially dumped.
A Chinese ocean engineering company has announced its strategic intent to establish a project base in Scotland during a meeting with the First Minister.
Opposition parties have questioned the Scottish Government’s decision to call in a planning application for a wind farm development.
A new state-owned energy company could help boost the economy and alleviate fuel poverty, new analysis shows.
Workers affected by the proposed deal to save Burntisland Fabrication (BiFab) are being “left in the dark” as attempts to save the company drag on, union officials claim.
A Scottish-based global power supply firm has announced a £33 million innovation project bringing more than 20 jobs.
New figures on renewable energy generation have shown that Scotland hit a record year in 2017 with the country seeing 68.1% of gross electricity consumption met by renewables.
Scottish energy minister Paul Wheelhouse has urged the UK Government to review its position on low cost renewables and recognise the challenges faced by remote island projects.
GMB Union boss have said they are not resigned to the closure of BiFab yards or the loss of jobs, but that next week’s Scottish Government meeting is make or break.
Scotland's energy minister said today that steering Burntisland Fabrications (BiFab) out of harm's way was always "going to be challenging".
The announcement yesterday that Burntisland Fabrication (BiFab) is being sued by German business partner, EEW, has provoked a pledge of support from the Scottish Government.
Plans to reform legislation around Scotland’s Crown Estate could open the door to community controlled assets and new renewable energy projects.
Beleaguered Burntisland Fabrication (BiFab) is being sued by its German business partner and energy firm, EEW.
The announcement that Scottish unemployment fell by 1,000 over recent months has sparked muted optimism within the North Sea oil and gas sector.
A Holyrood Committee has expressed concerns over how cash for tackling climate change has been allocated in this year’s budget.