The Economy Secretary is being urged to be transparent over the decision making process which led to the Scottish Government withdrawing its support for Burntisland Fabrications (BiFab).
The Scottish Government has been urged to “pick up the phone” to Westminster and ask for support to secure the future of Burntisland Fabrications (BiFab).
A leading union has accused the Scottish Government of being “deliberately misleading” after it indicated that Westminster was to blame for supply chain firms north of the border missing out on offshore wind contracts.
Holyrood’s energy minister has described Scotland as “potentially the best placed country in Europe” to deliver carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) on a commercial scale.
A former UK energy minister has called on the Scottish Government to “come clean” about the terms of a lease agreement for a mothballed BiFab yard on the Isle of Lewis.
The harsh reality facing many coastal communities up and down the UK today gives a sad irony to the iconic music hall song “I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside”.
The chief executive of offshore catering firm Entier has said policymakers “don’t feel our pain” on having to make redundancies amid the current economic crisis.
The leader of Shetland Islands Council has said the region wants “to retain more of that tax take” from oil and gas revenues in its self-determination bid.
Positioning the UK North Sea for a net zero future will cost more than £430billion, according to a new report from the Oil and Gas Technology Centre (OGTC) and consultancy Wood Mackenzie.
A union and an employment law specialist have warned of "imminent" consultations on North Sea job losses as the UK Government furlough scheme comes to an end next month.
On Tuesday 1st September, Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon unveiled her plan for government, Protecting Scotland, Renewing Scotland, for the year ahead.
Scottish Government proposals to remove support for sustainable developments from planning policy has been branded a “retrograde step” by a leading industry body.
Lord Ian Duncan has raised concerns that a lack of money post-Covid could leave governments unable to make the policy interventions needed to drive the energy transition.
Scotland’s share of North Sea oil and gas tax receipts fell by around half in the last year to £724 million, according to new tax and spending figures.
Fast-tracked North Sea decommissioning projects should be used as a “skills bridge” to get hundreds of oil workers over the current job-cuts crisis and into green energy roles, a new report said.
“Crippling” business rate demand letters totalling hundreds of thousands of pounds could be set to “kill off” a number of struggling Aberdeen commercial property firms.
A Scottish trade union boss has accused Holyrood of “surrendering” in its fight to win local renewables jobs from big North Sea offshore wind projects.
A new report from the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) has claimed that the country’s renewable energy employment figures have flatlined since 2014.
A group of former Burntisland Fabrication (BiFab) workers have branded the firm's takeover by a Canadian manufacturer a 'disaster' for the Isle of Lewis.