Renewables industry reacts to Johnson’s ‘green industrial revolution’ pledge
The renewables industry has been reacting to the prime minister’s commitment to implement a “green industrial revolution” that will generate hundreds of thousands of jobs.
The renewables industry has been reacting to the prime minister’s commitment to implement a “green industrial revolution” that will generate hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Scottish Government proposals to remove support for sustainable developments from planning policy has been branded a “retrograde step” by a leading industry body.
Lord Ian Duncan has raised concerns that a lack of money post-Covid could leave governments unable to make the policy interventions needed to drive the energy transition.
The Scottish Government has unveiled a £100million Green Jobs Fund as the country aims to make a low-carbon recovery from Covid-19.
More than three-quarters of Scots oil workers are considering retraining for the energy transition, according to a new claim from Scottish Renewables.
Leading figures in onshore wind have voiced concerns that a lack of resources for local authorities could create a “barrier” to renewable projects.
The installation of a major undersea cable in the Highlands contributed an estimated £4.5 million to the local economy.
A major Scottish renewable energy awards is open for nominations after it confirmed plans to hold a physical ceremony later this year.
Investment in green-energy projects is crucial to Scotland’s economic recovery post COVID-19.
Around 1,500 jobs are created with every gigawatt (GW) of renewable energy built in Scotland, according to a new figures.
A new report from the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) has claimed that the country’s renewable energy employment figures have flatlined since 2014.
A £5.5 million funding boost is being made available to small Scottish renewable energy projects to combat a green recovery following the coronavirus pandemic.
A new multi-million pound Scottish Government energy support package has been welcomed by the renewables sector but must not “endanger progress” on carbon emissions.
A future vision for exporting energy sector talent would “hear a Scottish voice” on every overseas renewables project, according to a trade body boss.
A host of Scottish Highland and Island clean energy firms have made the shortlist for this year's Young Professionals Green Energy Awards.
Clean energy trade body Scottish Renewables has revealed the Young Professionals Green Energy Awards 2020 will go ahead, but in an online format.
A Scottish administrator has said it is “in conversation” with a number of wind farm funds about providing coronavirus relief.
Scotland currently has no target to increase the percentage of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) workers in the country’s offshore wind sector.
The UK Government has announced a turnaround on its land-standing policy ban on onshore wind.
Almost seven million trees have been felled in the north of Scotland to make way for onshore wind farms since the year 2000, according to new figures.
A predicted boom in North Sea offshore wind jobs has been branded “a pipe dream” by union bosses after the Scottish Government admitted that it only uses “estimates” of current employment figures in the sector.
Energy trade body Scottish Renewables has announced the election of four top green energy bosses to its board.
On the face of it, the UK-based subsea sector appears to be faring reasonably well. This is despite lingering impacts from the 2014-17 oil and gas slump, mounting pressures from the climate change crisis and major geopolitical forces at work.
Further jobs are set to go at Fife-based manufacturer Burntisland Fabrication (BiFab) as it emerged that a potential life-saving wind farm contract for the firm could be delayed.