Shell chief executive Ben Van Beurden said technology would continue to be one of the most crucial factors in combating climate change.
The head of the oil major spoke at the International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC) in Doha as leaders meet in Paris for climate change talks at COP 21.
Shell has said production is likely to be back up in the "next few days" on Brent Charlie after a power failure led to 29 workers being downmanned last week.
Shell is set to create the world's largest production facility for the polyethelene Alpha Olefins (AO) after it confirmed it will expand its chemical manufacturing site in the United States.
Yesterday's news regarding the withdrawal of the £1 billion capital subsidy by a government who only six months ago were firmly committed to CCS as part of their election manifesto was a shock for many people across the energy industry.
Norway’s natural gas pipeline manager and the nation’s power grid are at odds over whether a solitary electricity cable across 75 miles of fjords and rugged mountains is enough to ensure supply to a processing plant that helps warm millions of European homes every winter.
A case against oil major Shell is expected to call at Aberdeen Sheriff Court next week after it was charged following an investigation in a leak at a North Sea platform.
The boss of Shell’s Canadian operation will step down from her role by the end of the year.
Lorraine Mitchelmore has held the role of president for the company’s operations in the country for the past six years.
Oil major Shell’s Turritella FPSO (floating production storage and offloading unit) has set sail from Singapore bound for the Gulf of Mexico.
It will head to the Stones Project, 200miles southwest of New Orleans, in the Walker Ridge area.
The vessel set sail from Singapore earlier this month and will connect to subsea infrastructure in water depths of 9500ft.
Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund has sold shares in Shell and BG worth almost £1billion, raising fresh questions about support for oil firms’ proposed £47billion mega-merger.
Established oil and gas investors have long been aware that in this market you need to take a ‘through-cycle’ strategy, managing the up cycle in the knowledge that tougher times are always on the horizon. The execution of the strategy in down cycle, organic or inorganic, can play a decisive role in determining the winners when the market recovers. And the market will recover.
Oil major Shell has opened a landmark new CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) project in Canada.
The new Quest facility at the Athabasca Oil Sands project is designed to capture, transport and store more than one million tonnes of carbon dioxide CO2 each year.
The amount is equivalent to the emissions from an estimated 250,000 cars.
Carbon capture and storage projects need a $60 to $80 price for carbon dioxide to justify building them, Royal Dutch Shell Plc Chief Executive Officer Ben van Beurden said.
That’s more than five times the current price of C$15 ($11.27) a ton in Alberta, Canada, where the oil company began commercial operations for a CCS project Friday.
Shell has been accused of making false claims about its clean-up operations in Nigeria in a joint report by Amnesty International and the Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development.
The findings claimed the oil giant had also failed to implement UN recommendations.
The report also alleged several sites Shell had claimed to have cleaned up remained polluted.
Royal Dutch Shell Plc said its record takeover of BG Group Plc will still deliver value to investors even in a prolonged oil-industry downturn and reshaped its business in preparation for the acquisition.
Royal Dutch Shell and BG Group were strong risers in the top flight after the oil firm said its £43billion merger with the gas giant was on track to complete in early 2016.