A “massive move” is underway to embrace the carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) sector by North Sea supply chain firms, according to the boss of a new industry and government alliance.
Energy sector leaders have welcomed the UK Government’s intention to replace an EU emissions-busting scheme with its own version which “goes further” on reductions.
Plans for a giant power cable linking Shetland to the Scottish mainland are “crucial” to ensure security of the islands long-term energy supply, according to the firm behind the proposal.
Unions have urged Scottish Secretary Alister Jack MP to help create "desperately needed" jobs in the UK renewables sector by pushing Westminster to reform subsidy schemes for wind farms.
Energy firm SSE has awarded more than half it's £1 million support fund to communities across the UK and Ireland as part of the firm's Covid-19 response.
Members of SSEN’s Connections teams are joining colleagues from across the business to offer a ‘friendly ear’ to over-75s on the Priority Services Register (PSR).
While many jobs can be done remotely, operating a power station is still a hands-on job for workers at Peterhead Power Station - and keeping the lights on is critical.
A giant Shetland wind farm project has received a significant shot in the arm after an energy regulator said it is ready to rubber stamp proposals for an energy link with mainland Scotland.
A north-east power station has topped the list of Scotland’s air polluters, but bosses insist a sharp rise in toxic fumes was caused by freezing weather.
French oil company Total SA is among the final bidders for a stake in an offshore wind farm that may cost more than £5.7 billion to develop and operate, according to people familiar with the matter.
Oil and gas firms will still look to invest in hydrogen and carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) technology despite no government subsidy due to climate change "pressure", according to Deloitte partner Daniel Grosvenor.
New proposals to make Scotland a monopile construction hub for future UK-wide offshore wind projects has been branded “a really big ask” by a UK renewable energy expert.
I agree with Scottish Government Energy Minister Paul Wheelhouse on many things: the imperative to tackle the UK and Scotland’s climate emergency; the essential role deploying renewables plays in doing so; and the crucial need to achieve this roll-out at the lowest cost possible to energy consumers.