Oil and gas supermajors are kicking frantically below the water’s surface as they attempt to navigate the energy transition. In the second of a two-part series, we examine how BP and Shell have scaled back their low-carbon commitments.
BP (LON:BP) and Shell (LON:SHEL) are next week expected to post lower third-quarter profits than in 2023 against a backdrop of weak oil prices and faltering demand.
London’s old-school oil stocks are no longer moving in tandem, as BP Plc underperforms Shell Plc due to concerns over the former’s green-energy transition and the outlook for earnings and shareholder payouts.
With Covid-19 continuing to impact the profitability of the supermajors, Ano Kuhanathan, sector advisor at trade credit insurer, Euler Hermes, argues that now is the time for the supermajors/Big Oil to start spinning off their renewables divisions.
Significant progress in cost reduction in the oil and gas sector is likely to bottom out this year, according to a new report on the performance of supermajors.