Zero Carbon Campaign publishes white paper outlining need for new carbon pricing
A leading environmental group is calling on the UK Government to price energy emissions more effectively in order to meet net zero targets.
A leading environmental group is calling on the UK Government to price energy emissions more effectively in order to meet net zero targets.
The leader of Shetland Islands Council has said the region wants “to retain more of that tax take” from oil and gas revenues in its self-determination bid.
The British public wants government to play a bigger role in tackling climate change, including bringing forward a ban on diesel and gasoline cars and taxing frequent fliers.
A union and an employment law specialist have warned of "imminent" consultations on North Sea job losses as the UK Government furlough scheme comes to an end next month.
The UK Government revealed today that it would launch a review of the offshore oil and gas licensing regime as part of its efforts to achieve net-zero.
The UK Government will conduct a review of current energy infrastructure at sea as it sets its sights on expanding offshore renewables.
A major Aberdeenshire project could be in line for a share of a multi-million-pound UK Government scheme to fuel low-carbon jobs.
Two leading energy technology and innovation organisations have teamed up to help accelerate the United Kingdom’s transition to net zero.
The UK Government has launched a new Hydrogen Advisory Council as part of efforts to cut emissions.
The UK Government has said it will relax planning legislation to make it easier for companies to construct "bigger" batteries for the storage of renewable energy from solar and wind farms across the UK.
A clean energy trade body has urged the UK Government to “lift capacity caps” to entice £20 billion of investment and create 12,000 renewables jobs.
Swedish wind developer Vattenfall has been given the go-ahead for a giant Southern North Sea wind project after the UK Government overturned a decision that would delay the project.
More than 11,000 people have signed up to take part in a virtual lobbying of MPs to call for a green-focused recovery to the coronavirus pandemic that tackles the climate and nature crises.
A multi-million pound Barnett formula transfer will be used by the Scottish Government to help high energy usage businesses cut emissions.
The Government is under pressure to deliver on its manifesto commitment to invest billions of pounds in insulating homes as part of a green recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.
A Scottish engineering firm has called on the UK and Scottish governments to create “crucial” connections to help the country’s marine energy sectors.
A call has been made to resurrect a Scottish Government programme to protect oil and gas jobs as thousands of workers face redundancy.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced a four month extension to the current UK Government Covid-19 furlough scheme.
Representative body Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) has repeated its call for sector support and said its role in the push to meet net zero emissions is "not a given".
More investment in broadband instead of building roads should be part of a "green" package of measures to rebuild the economy, climate advisers have urged.
Norway has outlined plans for “extremely rare” changes to its tax regime to save the crisis-hit oil industry which would be “very welcome” for UK firms, according to an expert.
A number of prominent north-east politicians have called for the UK Government to fast-track a long awaited oil and gas sector deal following a new report by representative body Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) that claimed the industry could see tens of thousands of job losses due to Covid-19.
Up to 30,000 oil jobs are predicted to go, along with billions of pounds in investment, due to Covid-19 and a 20-year low in oil prices.
Pressure continues to build on the UK Treasury to inject cash into the north-east energy industry.
The UK Government has extended the cut-off date for workers to be eligible for its coronavirus jobs retention scheme, expected to benefit 200,000 people.