Government publishes new legislation aimed at boosting workers’ rights
The Government is setting out what it describes as the biggest package of workplace reforms for more than 20 years to meet the changing world of work.
The Government is setting out what it describes as the biggest package of workplace reforms for more than 20 years to meet the changing world of work.
The UK offshore oil and gas sector is "ready to support" carbon capture and storage (CCUS), the boss of Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) has revealed.
A leaked Scottish Government report has outlined deep concerns over the impact to energy sector jobs post-Brexit.
The global energy sector is evolving, and foreign direct investment is helping the UK to lead the way.
The results of a new UK Government poll has shown public support for onshore wind "remains at a record high".
The UK Government ban on petrol and diesel cars should begin "five years earlier" than set out, a climate chief said last night.
Chancellor Philip Hammond has resisted calls to back Treasury analysis supporting the fuel duty freeze.
A new report by energy trade body RenewableUK has warned that the UK Government's "policy of blocking" onshore wind is a threat to future investment in the sector.
The Solar Trade Association (STA) urgently called on UK energy minister Claire Perry to back the continuation of the "export tariff" last night.
The Scottish boss of a prominent climate group has called the lack of public opinion taking and consultation on fracking an "Orwellian move" by the UK Government.
The number of community-owner renewables projects has shot up in Scotland between 2011 and 2017.
A campaign group is threatening to take legal action against the Government over its decision to give the go-ahead for fracking.
The majority of Tory councillors do not support Government moves to change planning rules to fast track fracking, a poll suggests.
MPs have given the green light to plans which could see nuclear waste buried deep in vaults beneath national parks.
A new report published by the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee has said that the UK Government must restore investor "confidence" if it expects to gain the requisite amount of of projects in the pipeline.
Renewable energy is forming a central role as a "mainstream power source for homes, offices and factories", according to new UK Government data.
Some small Scottish renewable firms were “forced into liquidation” yesterday by the UK Government’s decision to shutdown the Feed-in-Tariff scheme, according to an industry body.
Offshore wind farm decommissioning could top £3 billion, according to a UK Government report released last night.
The National Infrastructure Commission has said that Scottish onshore wind is being "held back" by UK planning restrictions largely defined by communities in England.
Ministers must seize the “golden opportunity” to switch to green energy without increasing prices, its independent advisers on infrastructure have urged.
The UK Government currently has "no plans" for the future of mature renewable technologies like wind and solar, a new report said.
Stripping local planning authorities of decision-making on fracking in their area would be “hugely harmful” to local democracy, MPs have warned.
"Improved weather conditions" for renewable energy in Scotland has seen a dramatic 11% increase in 2018 generation compared with the same period last year.
The Government has launched a £200 million plan aimed at driving down the costs of nuclear energy, develop new technologies and encourage more women to work in the industry. Ministers said a so-called Nuclear Sector Deal would secure the UK’s diverse energy mix and lead to cheaper energy bills.
A new report published today has urged the UK Government not to “penalise consumers” by delaying policy decision and effectively blocking onshore wind projects.