Government reforms its flagship renewables scheme as it looks to boost investment
The UK government has set out a reform to its contracts for difference scheme as it hopes will drive investment in the country’s renwables sector.
The UK government has set out a reform to its contracts for difference scheme as it hopes will drive investment in the country’s renwables sector.
The UK Gov announcement - currently slated to take place in Aberdeen, though that could change - is expected to include plans on CCS and the windfall tax.
The UK is a world leader in offshore wind and the sector is expected to create 800,000 jobs by 2030, however, who will fill those roles?
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s Spring Budget focussed heavily on getting people into work, however, glossing over the issue of IR35 reforms “smacks of irony”.
Harbour Energy CEO Linda Cook talks job cuts, EPL and whether the firm would move its listing out of London.
The UK's fiscal landscape means a final investment decision (FID) on the controversial West of Shetland Cambo project could be kicked down the road.
There are claims Westminster’s fiscal interventions have made the UK “one of the most unstable economies” for energy investments.
Westminster’s intervention in the electricity market risks “mothballing a series of multi-billion pound” green energy projects, a major investor has warned.
Hundreds of North Sea oil and gas discoveries could be abandoned as companies battle with uncertain headwinds.
The UK could save “well over £100 billion” on the road to net zero by pursuing a “100% renewable energy mix”, according to a new report.
Labour has urged the new UK business secretary to shut down the Rosebank oilfield before it begins production.
It is feared millions of pounds worth of renewables investments are at risk as a result of the controversial electricity generator levy (EGL).
The UK has five years to secure investment in green industries or risk missing out forever, a think tank has warned.
An innovation expert has welcomed a move to up the incentive for big business to spend on R&D, saying it could be a boon in the UK’s quest to be a leader in the energy transition.
Prolonged high oil and gas prices and the new windfall tax mean the UK Government could soon set a new record for tax receipts from the sector.
Rishi Sunak said it is "pie in the sky" to pretend fossil fuels will not be part of the UK's transition to low carbon sources.
The UK is poised to join a coalition committed to accelerating the deployment of offshore wind worldwide.
Fresh questions have risen on whether Shell will be allowed to leave the huge legs of the Brent field in the North Sea.
MP for Welwyn Hatfield and former Home Secretary, Grant Shapps, has been named Secretary of State for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy in Rishi Sunak's cabinet.
A government minister has pledged to accelerate the second phase of the UK’s carbon capture and storage (CCS) rollout.
Rishi Sunak has been confirmed as the new Tory leader and will become Britain’s next prime minister.
Prime Minister Liz Truss has resigned as prime minister after facing an open revolt from her MPs, following a tumultuous 24 hours.
Westminster is rolling out new powers in a bid to severe the link between the price of gas and renewables.
The UK Government has expanded its energy subsidy program for businesses to cover contracts signed as far back as December last year.
Liz Truss opposes the installation of solar panels on productive agricultural lands, Downing Street has said, amid reports that ministers are seeking to restrict the development of solar projects on farms in England.