Hopes for successful extended test at Petrogas Abbey appraisal well
Well Slot is a monthly feature where Westwood’s Stephen Coomber looks at drilling activity and rig moves in UK and Norwegian waters.
Well Slot is a monthly feature where Westwood’s Stephen Coomber looks at drilling activity and rig moves in UK and Norwegian waters.
Well Slot is a monthly feature where Westwood’s Stephen Coomber looks at drilling activity and rig moves in UK and Norwegian waters.
Well Slot is a monthly feature where Westwood’s Stephen Coomber looks at drilling activity and rig moves in UK and Norwegian waters.
Well Slot is a monthly feature where Westwood’s Stephen Coomber looks at drilling activity and rig moves in UK and Norwegian waters.
Data services firm, Westwood Global Energy Group, recently published a report that sets out the “exploration wells to watch in 2023” in the UK.
Westwood Global Energy reports that as of April 27 there was one appraisal well active in the UK, operations on which were in the process of completing. To date, one exploration well has completed in 2021.
Westwood Global Energy reports that as of September 2 there were two exploration wells active in the UK, with one in the central North Sea and one in the northern North Sea. So far in 2020, three exploration wells have completed. There has been no appraisal drilling yet this year.