Pupils from Bucksburn Academy have been tackling head-on the energy issues facing Scotland and the world in a series of seminars at the school.
As part of a Comenius project, students in the Re-thinking Energy team at Bucksburn are looking at future energy needs alongside students from Arbroath High School and schools in Germany, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands.
So far, the school has held two seminars, starting with an overview of energy problems and solutions and introducing renewable energy and Scotland’s 2050 renewables target in November.
They then went on to look at fossil fuels and how they can be used in promoting sustainability in December.
For the rest of the year the pupils will dive more in depth into specific topics.
January will see a seminar on hydrogen, the science behind it and projects involving it in Scotland.
February will be looking at the weather and water – wind and solar, wave and tidal and hydroelectric power.
March will move to energy in “politics, legalities and conflicts” as well as questioning whether renewables will be able to supply Scotland’s energy needs and what skills shortages there could be to roll out renewable energy.
April will see the seminar programme move on to reducing energy consumption, asking if it’s the answer to energy problems.
o Bucksburn’s Re-thinking Energy team are keen to get hands on experience of renewable energy systems. Contact rshanley@aberdeencity.gov.uk if you think you might be able to help them.
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