Pupils from an Aberdeen school got up close to helicopters and dressed in oversized survival suits as part of a tour of a hangar.
More than 60 pupils from Robert Gordon’s College’s junior school went to Bond Offshore Helicopters to meet the firm’s pilots and paramedics and get behind the controls of one of the aircraft.
Teacher Sophie Main said the trip coincided with a transport project the six and seven-year-olds were working on.
She said: “The children thoroughly enjoyed a tour of their facility, learning about the use of helicopters as a means of transportation and seeing them in action for real.”
Henry Sorrell, 7, said he enjoyed the visit and found it interesting.
“I love helicopters because my dad is a pilot,” he said.
Luke Farajallah, managing director of Bond Offshore Helicopters, said: “I hope today’s visit to Bond has given our visitors from Robert Gordon’s College an insight into the vital role helicopters play in North Sea. Who knows – we may even have inspired some pilots and winchmen of the future.”