The Aberdeen section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers has awarded 25 oil and gas students bursaries worth £18,000 this year.
The top three awards of £2,500 were presented by section chairman Anthony Onukwu at an event in Aberdeen last month.
The recipients were:
– Richard Cooper, studying MEng Mechanical and Offshore Engineering at Robert Gordon University;
– Nick Simmister, studying MSc Integrated Petroleum Geoscience at Aberdeen University;
– Mayra Hussain, studying MSc Petroleum Engineering at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh.
A further 21 students have been awarded £500 bursaries each to support their studies.
“The oil and gas industry still has a long future ahead and we will continue to offer students the help and advice that they need in order to pursue a successful career in this field,” Onukwu said:
The bursaries scheme has been running for more than 15 years and awarded around £300,000 to oil and gas students.
Over 100 undergraduate and postgrad students applied for this year’s pot from Strathclyde, Dundee, Heriot-Watt, Robert Gordon and Aberdeen.
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