This year’s Offshore Europe was set to a flying start – by a Spitfire performance outside the exhibition centre.
Merlin ERD managing director Iain Hutchinson repeated his grand entrance from the previous two events by performing a fly over the AECC in his privately owned Spitfire.
“It’s a replica, I have to confess. I built it from scratch,” Hutchinson told Energy Voice.
Merlin ERD’s OE2013 stand also consists of a Bloodhound car in which the company will try to beat the world speed record next year.
“It’s something a little different to capture people’s imagination,” Hutchinson said explaining the concept of the company’s exhibition.
“Engineers are always interested in the technical stuff and the Spitfire is a piece of British iconic engineering – it very much stands for what we’re trying to do: we’re drilling the longest wells in the world from Scotland.”
Exhibitions like this can also encourage young people to take up engineering courses and get involved in the industry, Hutchinson believes.
Watch the full interview with Iain Hutchinson below.
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